Et Hydrau ratio plene hydrau CAVATOR est quatuor major components: Power components, supplicium components, imperium components et auxilia components.
In potestate elementum est plerumque a variabilis piston sentinam, cuius munus est ut convertat mechanica industria de engine in liquido pressura industria, et communi defectum phaenomenon est insufficiens pump oleum et reducitur fluxus. Si hoc phaenomenon gradatim et altior temperatus est manifestum est ex nimia et lacrimam hydraulicis laoreet; Si hoc phaenomenon est subito, plerumque debitum ad plunger non operatur; Si pressura est normalis, fluunt subito reducitur plerumque per variabilis mechanism adhæsit in parva influunt.
Actuatating elementa includit hydrau cylindricos et hydrau motoribus, cuius munus est converte pressura liquoris in mechanica industria, communis defectum phaenomenon est actionis vel actio. Si sentinam et valvae confirmata est culpa libero, ratio tardius actum actuum elementum est certus ad nimia gerunt et lacrimam; Si sentinam operatur Northmanni, tardus actio actuum elementum est verisimile esse valvae moderantum actuum elementum habet culpam, ut valvae non est in loco, et non clausit vim et ciligit, et card. Quia gradum gerunt et lacrimam cuiusque exsecutivam elementum non erit multo alia, ut alias rationes, debet esse numero exsecutiva elementa actionis simul subito tardius; Si notum est quod pump et valvae non vitiosa, exsecutiva elementum subito nulla actio, plerumque debitum ad internum jamming.
Control elements include a variety of valves, such as pilot valves, multi-way directional valves, main safety valves, relief valves and one-way throttle valves, etc.. Although the function of various valves vary greatly, but the common failures are similar, mainly stuck, closed and spring elasticity weakening and internal and external leakage.
Auxiliary components mainly include oil tank, oil pipe, radiator, filter and accumulator, etc.. The function of the radiator is to distribute the heat generated by the hydraulic system to the atmosphere, and its common failures include oil leakage, poor heat dissipation, etc. The function of the filter is to filter the impurities mixed into the hydraulic oil, and its common failures include clogging of the screen. The function of the accumulator is to stabilize and control the oil pressure and store a certain amount of energy to ensure smooth operation and when the engine fails to work, the work device can be lowered to the ground, and its common failures are poor energy storage effect, can not complete the above functions. Auxiliares components de defectum Phaenomenon plerumque manifestius facile egritudo.
Translata cum (liberum version)
Post tempus: Jan-30-2023